"SYNGENTA" - ONE OF THE LEADING WORLD COMPANIES CONTAINING ANYTHING OF 28,000 FACTORS IN 90 COUNTRIES ACHIEVE ONE OBJECTIVE: TO PLACES A PLANT POTENTIALSince its foundation, Singenta has made significant progress and today is one of the leaders in the global agribusiness, estimated at more than $ 60 billion. The Syngenti portfolio includes more than 80 plant protection products as well as a large number of hybrids and varieties of field and vegetable seeds. The Ukrainian branch of the company employs over 300 specialists, including many candidates in agricultural sciences. The aim of Syngenta in Ukraine is to offer comprehensive solutions for Ukrainian farmers and partnerships, which are preferred by Ukrainian and international companies. The company Singenta distinguishes high-quality products, an integrated approach to the solution of the tasks and the benefits of agriculture in Ukraine.
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